Tips to Travel with Diabetes – Ultimate Guide

Tips to Travel with Diabetes

Health is wealth, as they say. But, how about if you are sick while traveling? Is it possible? Yes, it is. You can still definitely travel even if you are sick. Here are the best tips on how to travel with diabetes.

On your journey, you have to take care of your health. But if you have diabetes, then along with the care, you also have to maintain your schedule. If you are stopping your journey because of your diabetes, then do not do this at all. Don’t say No to your trip because your diabetes schedule will change. Maybe traveling with diabetes can seem daunting. But if you make full care, preparation, and plan exactly, then you can enjoy your trip with diabetes without any hindrance. Follow these tips and travel with diabetes without any hassle.

Basic Tips to Travel with Diabetes

Before planning to go on a trip, know these tips and pack your belongings with maximum care and preparation. And before leaving, keep these precautions in mind.

A man checking his diabetes.
Photo via: adobe stock

Consult your Doctor Before Traveling

Before going on the journey, it is important to know from your doctor or health care practitioner that you must take some special instructions during the journey. Tell your doctor about where you are going and how long you are going. If you want to get involved in any activity such as trekking or swimming, then tell your doctor about that too. If you are on insulin, ask your doctor about everything. e.g. time zone, strength, etc.

It would be better if you get your health checkup before going on the journey, and keep its report with you.

Get a letter from your doctor

Along with the advice of your doctor, a recommendation or written letter is also needed. Also take a written letter from him, which contains information related to your health status, names of medicines, and allergies of any kind. It would be better that along with the brand name of the medicines, their generic names should also be written in the prescription. Keep in mind that the name and phone number of the doctor should be written in this letter. You will never know, better to be ready than to be sorry after.

Your medicines might be difficult to find and get. The pharmacy might ask for a prescription from your doctor before giving you your medicines.

Get Basic pieces of information

Get the basic information about your destination. Just like:

  • Weather information,
  • Health care center or hospital near your stay,
  • Emergency Numbers,
  • Service of where you are going to stay,

Collect every information related to your health and safety and keep them with you.

Learn some important words in the local language

Language is very important. Wherever you are going, you must know some common words of the local language. English will help you in most places to visit. It is your advantage if you speak basic English. Knowing the local language can be of great help to you. Trust me, language is very important especially if you are traveling abroad. And there are also so many benefits to learning the languages when traveling.

It would be better if you learn to speak some words that are more important to you in general, such as do not add sugar, salt to eat, where is the bathroom or toilet, I have diabetes, refuse anything, etc.

Before traveling learn the basic words that can be related to your sickness.

Information about banned drugs

Before packing your medicine in your bag, collect the information about it. Packing may be easy but know properly the rules. Because drug availability and permission to use varies from country to country. Before your trip, find out if you can take your medicines or not and whether they are banned or not. It is always best if you contact your doctor and arrange your medicines accordingly.

Make a perfect checklist for your trip

The perfect checklist makes your travel easier and this is the best way to make your trip more comfortable and perfect. And this thing is applicable to every person who is preparing for his/her journey. Plan your trip very well. Prepare a good checklist.

If you have made a plan for your trip, then the first thing to do is to make a list and write about everything you may need during your trip. This is the best way not to forget important and useful things.

With the help of this checklist of yours, you will never forget to take things like special medicines, essential snacks, and insulin (if you are taking it). Your checklist will be your reminder of what to do and not do on your trip.

Make a Contact List

Before going anywhere, make a contact list that includes every emergency number including that from the embassy to the security. In this list, also add the number of any member of your family, friends, or relatives who are fully aware of your plans. and of course, your Doctor’s phone number too.

Take extra medicines

Always keep extra medicines with you and pack them separately in a separate bag. Keep a set of all your essential medicines in such a way that you always have them with you or in your handbag. Always keep in mind that whenever you are in need of medicines, you can get them easily and quickly. Store your medicines at a safe place and temperature. Always keep this in mind when packing your essential items.

Travel Insurance

Travel insurance makes your journey safe and secure. Whether you have any disease or not, never travel without travel insurance. This should be a practice of all travelers. Whether you are traveling locally or internationally, your travel insurance is a great help. It is always best to be safe and secure. So, get insurance and be insured.

Always take travel insurance with more convenience than you need and give all the information of your insurance company about you, your illness, and your trip. Get the best insurance according to your need and budget.

Set reminders for medicines

Whenever we go on a journey, we are not able to follow our routine schedule. So it is better that you set a reminder to take your food and medicine and follow it strictly. Set alarms. You are traveling with your phone for sure. Use it. Set the reminder and alarm for you not to miss any of your medicines.

Transportation Tips to Travel with Diabetes

First of all, you have to decide how you are going to travel. Are you traveling by air, by train, by bus, or your trip will be a road trip or sea journey? There are different ways to travel. As a diabetes patient, you should know first the best way to travel for your specific situation before heading to your destination. So, here are some tips that can help you to travel through air, land, and sea.

Travel by Air

  • Always keep your medicines and important documents in your handbag on the flight.
  • Before booking a flight, know or ask your doctor which type of food you should eat on your flight.
  • Get a TSA notification card to show your any kind of disease or medical condition. (What is TSA Notification Card)
  • Do not hesitate to tell about your diabetes to your flight attendant.
  • Use insulin injections instead of insulin pumps in flight. Because you will get instructions to disconnect the insulin pump in flight. Another thing is that your insulin pump can also be damaged while checking in the X-ray machine. For this, it would be better if you ask to inspect your device from the hands of security.

Traveling by Sea

  • First of all, ask your doctor which of the things you can eat on the ship.
  • Be active on the ship, walk, do yoga or use Gym.
  • Before booking your travel, ask about all your needs of your Doctor.
  • Inform your cruise or ship crew about your diabetes.

Travel by Train

  • Don’t be lazy. Stand up from your seat and walk in the aisle of the train.
  • Keep your essential medicines in a handbag or somewhere that you can get them quickly.
  • Do not forget to set your food in advance.

Road Trip

  • Do not drive continuously, stop the car in between and walk a little. This will also keep your blood circulation good.
  • If you are taking a road trip, never make a plan that exceeds 12 hours.
  • Keep your essentials such as medicines, water, snacks, and insulin in your handbag or somewhere you can find them quickly.
  • Keep in mind that if you take insulin, do not drive. Don’t risk your life.

Note: To visit any place, you should visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) website to get the necessary vaccination information for the journey.

Important Tips to Travel with Diabetes

Keep your sugar under control

Do not eat anything during your journey that will increase your sugar. Do not hesitate to say anywhere that you have diabetes. It will be better if you check your blood sugar in the morning.

Keep blood pressure under control

Always keep your blood pressure around 120/80. If you are taking blood pressure medicines, always carry them with you during your travels. And take it according to the advice of your Doctor.

Never skip your breakfast

If you’re skipping breakfast, you’re starting your day wrong. Breakfast is the most important meal for you. Actually, for everyone. In fact, if you have breakfast regularly, it helps in keeping your blood sugar and blood pressure stable.

Do exercise and Be active

Never sit in one place continuously during your journey. It would be better to do some physical activities. For example, do yoga, exercise, and keep yourself active.

Pay attention to your feet

High blood sugar can cause nerve damage and loss of sensation in your feet. So, always be sensitive to your feet. Pay attention to your feet and body. Always wear comfy shoes with you while traveling. It would be better if you keep one more pair of comfy shoes with you on the journey.

Even if you are going to travel on the beach, you should not walk barefoot.

Stay away from junk food

Do not eat too much junk food, spicy food, or oily food during travel. Always give priority over fresh and healthy food.

Do not smoke

If you smoke, cut down on smoking as much as you can while traveling. This will keep your blood pressure better during the journey. The best is to quit smoking.

Do not overpack

Always, packing should be done according to your needs while traveling. The more luggage you have during the journey, the more trouble you will have. So, it will be best not to pack too much while traveling.

Do this before sleeping

Brush: There is a high risk of Periodontitis (gum disease) and dental problems in diabetes. That’s why don’t forget to brush while traveling too.

Apply lotion: Always keep your skin moisturized to prevent any kind of sores.

In conclusion, I am sure that with these tips to travel with diabetes, you will be able to make your trip even in your condition, diabetes. It will be fun and enjoyable. Now that you know these basics, let’s plan your trip and make your trip memorable.

Don’t let your sickness be a hindrance to your happiness. Follow these tips to travel with diabetes, and explore the world while you can.

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