Do you think your money, luggage, and your visa are enough when you travel? If so, think again. I highly recommend you to search about the country or city you are about to visit. Make sure to check on the local language or dialect. So, today I would like to give you some of the benefits of learning the language when traveling.
Traveling can not be easy sometimes. Most especially if you are traveling abroad and far away from your country of origin. When visiting a country, sometimes we encounter some problems due to lack of communication.
Why Learn the Vernacular Language When Traveling?
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There are plenty of reasons why each travel should consider learning the landing destination’s language when traveling. Today, let me just give you the main points why you should. Never ever skip this post as it is very essential if you want to fully embrace the destination. Sometimes, language is the only hindrance to communication. Therefore, here are the benefits of learning the language when traveling.
Now, if you are asking yourself how would you learn the language, there are plenty of ways. Go online! Download Duolingo or Babbel application using your smartphones. Otherwise, you may use different online resources. Almost everything you need to know nowadays is online. So, grab your computer or phone and study the language.
Knowing the local language is very helpful for you. Not knowing the basics is like going to a battle without any riffle. Imagine, you love someone and you would like to propose for marriage. You don’t know how to do it as you don’t know how to communicate, the right word to use, and even express yourself. It is very ashaming. The same way during your trip. Expressing yourself what you want and do not want is very essential if you want to fully enjoy your trip. So, let me enlighten you on the benefits of learning others’ languages before your trip.
To Begin, It’s Simply Having Manner
Okay, our first benefit of learning the language when traveling is being polite. Having manner. Your manner and the way you communicate to other people describe who you are.
Learning the vernacular language of a place shows that you’re being polite and respectful as a guest to their homeland. There are plenty of locals (if not all) who actually appreciate hearing tourists speaking their dialect or language. Learning the language shows that you are interested in their culture and values. Grammar is just a plus factor to wow the locals. It is not a must. Remember, the first impression lasts. Impress the locals, not with your pieces of jewelry but the way you respect their culture by speaking their local language.
If you are traveling abroad at least you should know the basics. Basics of their local or vernacular language. Especially, you should know the right words for respecting others. For example, in the Philippines, we use “po” or “opo” with respect to elders, bosses, parents, and other people we don’t know. There are some locals who initiative to help others if they are polite and respectful.
Makes Getting Around Easier
Next on our list of benefits of learning the language when traveling is it makes our travel experience at ease. Learning the basics of the local language makes you move freely. It makes your travel much easier. Learning the local language may be of big help, whether it’s for reading the street signs or asking directions where to go. Moreover, having knowledge of the local language and even just some phrases and words enables you to be confident in ordering food in a restaurant.
Whether you agree with me or not, life is always easy when you know how to express things. I know that language is one of the most challenging parts of moving to a country. But, once you learned it, trust me it makes your life easier. So, to get things going, learn the local language before traveling.
To Negotiate a Cheaper Rate
Yes, it is not being poor but it is just being wise. You have so many advantages when you speak the language. Having the knowledge of the local language, you can check into a hotel and better yet negotiate a cheaper rate.

There is nothing to worry about if your grammar is not good. You don’t have to have perfect grammar if your plan only is just for communication. There is no need to be fluent, you just need enough vocabulary and phrases to get by.
Creates New Connections
I know, learning a new language is never easy at all. I have been there. And trust me, I have been around the world as an ex-pat not just as a tourist. So, I know how challenging and hard it is to learn and speak a new language. However, learning a new language gives you the opportunity to create a new connection. Sometimes, when we travel we tend to meet new people. People we never expect to meet. Those people become our friends be part of our lives.
I am absolutely aware that sometimes it is challenging to start small talk. Also, making a rapport with someone is difficult if you don’t know how and what to communicate and if you don’t know the language they speak. Well, the answer here is learning the language. Yes, it is very essential to learn the language as it is needed to create a new network and connection.
Most people would favor a guest who makes an effort to communicate using their local language, rather than somebody who waits for other people to adapt to them. So chances are, they’re more likely to engage in trusting you!
Connect Better With The Locals
Locals are the keys for you to experience the best out of the place you are visiting. Moreover, they are more knowledgeable about the destination than anyone else.

Learning a new language gives us a different perspective in life as a traveler and as a person. Language is essential to communicate with the locals. I have lived in different countries and one of the usual major challenges is the language. I stayed in countries where English is not fully used. I got no choice but to adapt and emerge. If you really want to be closed with the locals, then start by learning their language.
Understanding A Different Culture
Language is one of the most fundamental aspects of any culture. Language molds the overall culture of a particular destination. It is very impossible to know and embrace someone’s culture without touching the basics of their language. To have a deeper comprehension of someone’s culture, knowing the basics is a must. Those basics include the language.
Because once you understood how to speak with the locals, you’ll have a better grip of their manner of living. Hence, the more you learn the vernacular language, the better you’ll appreciate the ‘epitome’ of your landing place. As a result, your travel experience would be different and become extraordinary as you’ll learn the culture.
I know that you know the importance of learning a new language. Language is very essential in our every day of living. Language affects the way we perceive things, the way we understand things, and the way we think. It is so good to share with you the different benefits of learning the language when traveling. Make your travel experience unforgettable. That is everyone’s goal. Learn the minors and the basics of the local and vernacular language.
Now that we have talked about learning the language, doesn’t this make you feel like traveling again in the near future? I know the difficulties of traveling nowadays. Just always remember to be safe and secured. Meanwhile, why don’t you plan a picnic with your friends or family? For now, think of the next spot you would love to visit and then start studying the local language!
I am a hospitality professional and a travel blogger. Seeing the whole world is my dream. I love traveling and sharing my adventures. For me, traveling doesn’t have to be expensive. You just need a little penny and yourself. That’s it! Happy traveling!
Wow very useful article on travelling but it’s very tough to learn local language but sometimes we just manage understanding the meaning! Well shared 😊💕👌
Very well said my friend! I try my best to at least learn the basics of a language, or at least phrases that I know will come up often! But even after living in Chinese-speaking countries for the past 5 years, my Mandarin is still not good enough, though that just means I should try harder!
Great article my friend!
Absolutely and All the best Tom.