Tips if You’re Traveling During COVID-19 Pandemic

Tips if You're Traveling During COVID-19 Pandemic

Safety first. Read these tips if you’re traveling during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Travel the world while maintaining good health.

One of the best and worst enemies of the world now is Covid-19. Covid-19 or simply Covid or Corona Virus is everywhere. This virus is the reason why many people don’t and are afraid to travel. The traveling world is in a difficult situation. Traveling during Covid-19 is merely not the same as what we were used to. There are added mandatory requirements before and while traveling. For example, the Green Pass in Europe. And to acquire the said Green Pass, you have to be vaccinated and/or tested with a Negative result for Covid-19. Luckily, some countries lifted the isolation or quarantine protocols.

Travel Safety Tips During Covid-19

It has been years since Covid-19 came into our lives. I know we are in a difficult situation. Travel and Tourism is one of the industries that are affected by the pandemic. But then, we are striving to live and survive. So, it is vital to be safe these days of Corona Virus.

I know, it sounds crazy to travel these days. There are even times that we don’t know which to follow as some local governments change their restriction policy from time to time and without prior announcement.

Hence, It is really a must and needed that every traveler is aware of the latest updates about Covid-19. It is your responsibility as a traveler to conduct a mini search on the rules and regulations for Covid on your itinerary. So, to help you here are some of the tips if you’re traveling during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Know the Covid Restrictions

Before arriving at your landing destination, make a small search. Open your computer or phone’s browser and search for the rules and regulations on Covid on your destination. This is not an option. If you want not to get arrested or to get some fine or worst to be positive in Covid, know the rules. Moreover, check if getting vaccinated is mandatory. Especially, in restaurants see if you can dine in without being vaccinated or tested for Covid.

Tips if You're Traveling During COVID-19 Pandemic, metro, covid pass, pandemic-6855469.jpg
A hand holding the Covid-19 Green Pass.
Photo Via: Pixabay

It is vital to know the landing destination’s Covid-19 protocols. But, remember that knowledge is not enough. You have to also execute and practice those restrictions. Follow the health and travel directions based on where you are going. Check on the local, national, and international regulations.

Check for the IATA Covid-19 Travel Regulation Map to know more about Covid restrictions of your landing country.

Being Aware About the Covid-19 Situation in Your Landing Destination

Not only the Covid restrictions that you have to know. Also, make sure to know the situation in your landing destination. Here are some of the questions you may want to ask yourself regarding the Covid situation in your landing place.

  • How many people are vaccinated in the place?
  • How many percentage or many people have covid-19?
  • What are the rules implemented?
  • Does your accommodation follow the Covid-19 protocols?
  • Are the tourist destinations open?
  • What are the regulations of the tourist destinations?

These questions should be asked before traveling. You may want to email your hotel or your host and ask about the situation of the area. To help you better to find out, check on the internet. Most of our questions are already online.

If you’re traveling during the COVID-19 Pandemic, know some tips on the restrictions. Spend some time online to read the government guidelines and what you have to know about Covid in your destination. You may refer to the WHO’s Covid-19 Dashboard.

Plan ahead when testing

there are different Covid-19 tests. Until now, there is still confusion on which Covid test people should be needing. Depending on your destination and flight, there is a specific test you should be getting. Some airlines and countries require you to be either vaccinated or require an Antigen/ Rapid or a PCR. Some also require travelers to be vaccinated and tested from either PCR or the rapid.

To know more about the local Covid-19 test requirements, visit the website of their local public health department. This allows you to plan your travel, Covid tests ahead of time, and save on fees from last-minute testing.

Choose Safe Activities

Avoid being indoor as much as possible. Staying in indoor bars and restaurants means you are exposing yourself to a higher risk of getting Covid-19. Moreover, avoid indoor activities too. For example, going to a covered court gym, spa, pools, etc. The point here is you try to avoid the crowd. Your enemy is invisible. You can’t see and know if someone has Covid or not by just looking.

Wash Your Hands

Wash your hands. This is the basic. I shouldn’t be including this but I think I have to since many travelers forget and feel lazy to wash their hands. Make sure to wash your hands regularly. Just sing happy birthday twice and you are done. You are not spending 20 Euros on washing your hands. You just need warm water and soap. Also, you don’t need an hour to wash your hands. 20 seconds of washing your hands is enough.

Practice Social Distancing

I know this is an old piece of advice and not mandatory anymore in some places. However, for extra support staying away from Covid, practice social distancing. I would advise you to practice this anywhere you go as much as possible. The World Health Organization or WHO recommends everyone to keep at least 1 m (3 feet) distance from the other people.

Wear Mask

Here I am again, repeating what is being told and being practiced already. And I think you already know the reason why I am repeating this again. Some people are avoiding masks. Some even create their own alibi just not to wear masks. Having asthma is one of them. Some people don’t care about the importance of wearing a mask. To tell you, it is very important. Your mask is your ultimate protection. Wear a mask wherever you go and whenever is possible. Especially in crowded places, you don’t really know who has Covid. You can’t risk your life. You are traveling and away from your home.

I included wearing a mask if you’re traveling during the COVID-19 Pandemic because this is your main protection while enjoying the trip with your loved ones. Masks are efficient at reducing transmission of Covid.

Secure Travel Insurance

I was not a big fan of insurance before. I thought insurances are waste of time and money. But, I was wrong. Covid-19 made me realize the importance of insurance. So, if you are traveling soon, make sure to get insurance. You may need some assistance on your trip. I hope you won’t be using them. Remember this, it is always best to be safe and secure.

Get insurance that will cover you in case of loss of baggage, flight cancellation/ delayed, and of course incidental. Nowadays, insurance is a must to have. Let us not pretend that we can shoulder everything by ourselves. You will never know what possibly can happen. You’ll never know if you will get Covid on or during your trip. So, get insured and secure. Get your insurance policy before traveling.

Opt for Electronic

It is time to use modern technology. Adopt the new world. Use electronic. Use your gadgets these Covid days. At the airport, instead of using the old and boring boarding passes, or handing them to stewards for inspection, opt for a mobile or electronic pass. You can save your boarding pass on your mobile phone and scan it without any necessary contact from the staff.

Not only your boarding pass should be electronic, your Covid vaccination papers, Covid test results, Identity Cards (if it is okay), and your ATM cards could also be contactless. By using contactless transactions, you can save yourself from having any additional Covid risk. Becoming positive in Covid-19 is caused by handy transactions sometimes. Keep away the unnecessary hands from your stuff. This is to avoid also passing the Covid to others.

Condition Yourself

Knowing your health status is an important tip before and while traveling. Never ever pack your stuff ready to go if you are feeling unwell. avoid traveling if you are feeling sick. If you think that you can’t use the stairs, don’t travel. Do not risk your life because of a stupid decision. There is still tomorrow. If you are having a fever, better not to go on a trip.

Moreover, your health condition is important as you can’t travel with a fever. Airlines won’t allow you to board. So, condition yourself first before planning to travel. Don’t book a hotel room or a plane ticket while you’re sick.


Those are some of the tips if you’re traveling during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Visit the local government website of your landing destination for more guidelines for Covid. Covid is not a joke. Always be updated.

Traveling should be fun!

Explore more:
Things not to do at the Airport
Not to buy on your trip.

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