Journey to Patalsu Peak with Broza Adventures

Journey to Patalsu Peak with Broza Adventures

Firstly I would like to thank who gave me an amazing platform to share my journey to Patalsu Peak with Broze Adventures. It had been a long time since I went on a trek due to my hectic work schedule. However, I was so focused this time that I had to do the journey to Patalsu Peak trek, which had been on my wish list for a long time. I already had planned my year-end leave so I could go on this beautiful and adventurous journey.

Journey to Patalsu Peak with Broza Adventures

So, I contacted my colleagues and other friends to find the best trekking company. At this time, I came to know about Broza Adventures and their famous treks. Mr Naresh is the owner of this trekking company and is very knowledgeable and humble. After conversing with him, he came up with a full, detailed itinerary for my journey to Patalsu peak trek, which excited me even more. After getting a clear plan, I became even more confident to go forward. Embarking of my journey to the Patalsu Peak trek with Broza Adventures was a transformative experience that surpassed all expectations. I had been to treks before, but my experience with Broza’s adventures was unique. Moreover, This comprehensive review encapsulates the intricate details of each day, the exceptional service provided by Broza Adventures, and the profound impact this trek had on my life.

Journey to Patalsu peak, a man on Himalaya, Himalaya mountains.
Journey to Patalsu Peak

Day 1: Arrival in Manali and Orientation

Starting from Day 1, Upon arriving in Manali in Himachal Pradesh, the team from Broza Adventures extended a warm welcome, setting the tone for an extraordinary journey ahead. The orientation session was enlightening, providing insights into the trek itinerary, safety protocols, and essential information crucial for the trek’s success.

This attention to detail from the onset assured me of the professionalism and dedication of the Broza team. Akash is one of the team members who is very knowledgeable and always has excellent ideas for solving your problems.

Day 2: Manali to Patalsu Base Camp

As planned, we arrived in Manali on the said dates, and from there, we had to start our journey to the Patalsu peak trek. The trek officially commenced with a scenic drive to Solang Nallah, the starting point of our adventure. The trek through dense forests and picturesque landscapes toward the Patalsu Base Camp was an immersive experience.

At Manali, it was very cold, with the temperatures dropping to a shallow level. And, we should know what things are essentials for our vacation. However, the entire team of Broza Adventures ensured that we had everything available, from hot food, medicines, warm clothes, and everything else. Broza Adventure’s expertise was evident as they ensured our comfort and safety and kept us engaged with intriguing information about the local terrain and flora.

It was essential for me to acclimatize to this temperature since I am not a frequent trekker, and I knew that the adventure from the next day was not going to be an easy one.

However, Reaching the Patalsu Base Camp was a highlight in itself. The setup was impeccable, with well-organized tents, hygienic facilities, and an ambiance that connected us to nature instantly. The evening briefing session around the campfire fostered a sense of community among the trekkers, creating a bond that would grow stronger in the days to come.

Day 3: Ascending Patalsu Peak

Finally, the day arrived, and we commenced early after a good breakfast and doing the regular morning stuff. I eagerly anticipated and felt excited about summiting Patalsu Peak. Akash informed me that he would carry all the essential items for the trip.

We decided to carry our water bottles as water is the most important thing we need when trekking. Also, I was informed to have good quality boots as the snow sometimes steeps, which causes a lot of problems.

The actual trekking Journey

A group of friend climbing on mountains, mountains with ice, Himalaya Mountains.
The actual trekking Journey

Our trekking journey started at around 6:30 am when the whole ground was just filled with snow-white ice. The entire place looked beautiful as the sun did not throw its rays at this time.

I was taught about some trekking techniques by the members of Broza Adventures, after which we stopped for our first break of the day. We halted for about 15-20 minutes, and after getting the energy back, we were all complete with power again. As we went forward, we noticed that the snow down there was getting deeper, and our feet were going deep into it. At times, it was uncomfortable since the snow was getting inside our boots, but we managed it anyhow. There came a point where we could not see any footprints or trails, which made it evident that very few people hiked during the season.

We used to take a sip of water every 15-20 minutes as our throats were becoming so dry. The place seemed slippery and risky, but we were confident of our goal, so we kept hiking higher and higher, enjoying the best view of nature. The guide informed us about all the peaks coming our way, like the Deo Tibba Hanuman Tibba. Friendship Peak and others.

We spent some time here at a halt before we started our descent journey. The fall was equally challenging since there was melted snow in some places, and we had to be extra cautious. It was almost dark by the time we reached our base camp. We had a small celebration here with our team, and the other members shared their previous experiences and some fun stories before we went back to sleep.

The ascent was challenging yet exhilarating, with the mesmerizing views fueling our determination. However, The trek leader’s guidance and encouragement were pivotal in motivating the group, and the view from the summit was beyond compare. The sense of accomplishment and unity among the trekkers at the top of Patalsu Peak was unparalleled.

Descending back to the base camp was a reflective journey, allowing us to absorb the beauty of the Himalayas from different perspectives. The evening at the base camp was filled with shared stories, laughter, and a profound sense of achievement.

Day 4: Return to Manali

As we bid farewell to the base camp, trekking back to Solang Nallah, the memories we had created became cherished moments. The drive back to Manali was a time of reflection and camaraderie, underlining the bonds forged during our adventure. I was fortunate enough to have a charming trekking journey with Broza Adventures. Naresh and the whole team made us feel like family. At this point, I thought that I made the best decision to choose Broza Adventures for my year-end adventure trip.

Upon returning to Manali, the free time to explore the town’s culture and culinary delights was a delightful addition. The group dinner arranged by Broza Adventures was a fitting conclusion to the journey, allowing us to savor delicious food and recount our shared experiences.

Indian flag on Himalaya, Men with Indian flag on Himalaya, Journey to Patalsu Peak.
Manali trekking

Essential Checklist for the Patalsu Peak Trek with Broza Adventures:

My recent trek to Patalsu Peak with Broza Adventures was an unforgettable expedition through the breathtaking landscapes of the Himalayas. The journey demanded mental resilience and appropriate gear, and being well-prepared made all the difference. Here is a comprehensive review of the essentials required for this trek and some valuable tips based on my experience.

1. Clothing:

Broza Adventures emphasized the importance of layered clothing, and it proved crucial. I packed moisture-wicking base layers, insulating mid-layers, and a reliable waterproof outer shell. The fluctuating weather conditions demanded adaptability, and these layers were a game-changer.

2. Footwear:

Investing in sturdy trekking shoes was non-negotiable. The terrain varied from rugged paths to slippery slopes, and ankle-supporting trekking shoes with a superior grip ensured stability and prevented mishaps. Carrying comfortable camp shoes was an intelligent move for unwinding at the end of an exhausting day.

3. Gear and Equipment:

A well-fitted backpack made carrying essentials hassle-free. Broza Adventures provided a detailed packing list, and I ensured to pack a sleeping bag suitable for the varying temperatures. Additionally, a trekking pole significantly aided in maintaining balance, especially during steep ascents and descents.

4. Accessories:

Accessories like a wide-brimmed hat for sun protection, a beanie for colder nights, and high-quality sunglasses were saviors against the harsh mountain elements. I recommend carrying a portable water purification system, ensuring a safe and steady water supply throughout the trek.

Tips and Insights:

great view of Himalaya mountains, Himalaya while snow, the range of mountains, Indian mountains.
Tips and Insights for Adventure Journey

• Prior Training and Fitness:

Being physically prepared is half the battle won. Regular cardio exercises and strength training helped tackle the trek-demanding terrains. Strengthening leg muscles and improving endurance are essential for a successful ascent.

• Hydration and Nutrition:

Staying hydrated and well-nourished is paramount. I carried energy bars, nuts, and dried fruits as quick snacks, ensuring a steady intake of nutrients during breaks. Broza Adventures provided wholesome meals, but having additional snacks proved beneficial.

• Adaptability and Mindset:

Flexibility and mental preparedness are key. Mountain weather is unpredictable, so being mentally ready for sudden changes is crucial. Embrace the journey, respect nature’s rhythm, and savor every moment.

Broza Adventures Support:

I cannot emphasize enough how instrumental Broza Adventures was in making this trek a success. Their experienced guides, well-planned itinerary, and attention to detail ensured a safe and enriching experience. From safety protocols to insightful tips, their support was invaluable.

Embarking on the Patalsu Peak trek was an adventure of a lifetime, and having the right gear and mindset made it all the more rewarding. With Broza Adventures’ guidance and a well-equipped kit, conquering the peaks amidst nature’s grandeur became achievable. This trek has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on my soul, and I highly recommend it to any adventurer seeking a challenging yet gratifying expedition.


Broza Adventures’ commitment to excellence was evident throughout the expedition. From meticulously planned accommodations to sumptuous meals during the trek, every detail was taken care of. The support staff ensured our comfort and the trek leader’s knowledge and leadership were admirable.

This trek to Patalsu Peak with Broza Adventures was not merely a physical journey but a profound spiritual experience. It provided an opportunity for self-discovery, instilled a deeper connection with nature, and forged lasting friendships.

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend Broza Adventures to anyone seeking an unforgettable trekking experience. Their dedication, expertise, and passion for adventure made this expedition to Patalsu Peak life-changing. Thank you, Broza Adventures, for an unforgettable journey of discovery and growth amidst the awe-inspiring Himalayas.

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