Best Guide to Claim Travel Insurance

Best Guide to Claim Travel Insurance

Any person takes insurance with the hope that if necessary the insurance company will give him a claim. When you file an insurance claim, it means that an accident has happened to you or you have suffered some loss. In this case, the insurance company will pay you the damages. Every insurance company checks and examines the filed claim in its own way. And if that insurance claim fits the rules and parameters of the insurance company, then only the claim will approve. However, this process is a bit complicated. But, do not worry, this article will definitely guide you to claim your travel insurance properly.

Guide to Claim Travel Insurance

It is very common to get rejected in insurance claims. Claim passing becomes a tedious task due to the terms and conditions of the insurance companies. However, if you do not make mistakes while buying insurance, some things should be kept in mind, and precautions are taken, then the problem of claim rejection can be avoided. However, it is very important to take care of some things while claiming your travel insurance. Let us see what things, you should do while claiming your travel insurance.

Report The Incident To The Insurance Company As Soon As Possible

When you are a victim of an accident, the first thing you should do is inform the insurance company as soon as possible. Most insurance companies want that they should be aware of everything related to whatever happens to you during the journey. By doing this, the insurance company remains fully aware of your situation. Apart from this, the insurance company will also give you all possible help in such times and it will be easy for you to claim going forward. You should also give the contact number of your close friend or any relative to your insurance company. So that if you will not be able to contact at the time of emergency, then it will be easy to get and give information to another number.

If your trip is not a solo trip, then it would be good if you give the number of the person you are traveling with to your insurance company.

Having a good understanding of terms and conditions

reading carefully.
A man reading terms and conditions of travel insurance
Photo via: adobe stocks

While buying a policy, you should take complete information about your insurance policy. And you should also be aware of which situation you can claim your insurance. Often the insurance company uses such language and style in writing its terms and conditions which is not easily understandable. For this, it would be better to keep knowing yourself by talking to the customer care of the company. You should know under what circumstances you will be able to claim your insurance and how much coverage will the company provide.

Keep solid evidence of any incident

best tips to claim your travel insurance, all about travel insurance claim.
A woman is checking her original bill in a mall
Photo via: adobe stocks

This is the most important step in the entire claim-making process in any insurance company. Wherever you went after being a victim of any untoward incident, wherever you filed the complaint, you should have solid proof of all those. Because any insurance company first asks for these things from you. To prove your point with the insurance company, you must have solid and original proof of anything. If you have to stay in the hotel due to trouble, then the bill of accommodation and food, Real proof of airlines’ lapse, And if you have bought something, then always keep the original bill with you.

It is better to use credit cards or debit cards etc. during travel. Because its record becomes available to you automatically. You should also write it down, whatever happens to you in times of trouble. Because you forget some small things after some time which may be necessary while taking the claim.

Filing insurance claim as soon as possible

how to claim travel insurance.
Filing the travel insurance claim
photo via: adobe stocks

If you are fully prepared and have all the information that is needed while making a claim, then the insurance claim should be made soon. Most insurance companies have a time limit within which you have to file a claim.

Therefore, if you have been a victim of some incident for which you have solid proof, then you should claim to the insurance company as soon as possible.

Keep ready the documents of other insurance company

mandatory documents for travel insurance claim, best guide to claim insurance on your trip.
A man submits his documents
Photo via: adobe stocks

If you have health or any other insurance in addition to travel insurance, then you should keep all documents of this policy with you. The reason for this is that if a claim has been already covered in your other insurance policy, then your claim will be filed with that insurance company first. After that, the travel insurance gives its claim. For example, if the valuables contained in the handbag stolen during the journey are covered in the home insurance policy. Then its claim will be taken from there first. If you get sick during the journey and you have health insurance for that sick, then first your claim will file with the health insurance company.

Similarly, if your flight will cancel due to a technical fault of the airline. Then it is the responsibility of the airlines to pay the claim. Even if this is not the case, you will get the better benefit of the claim by negotiating with 2 insurance companies.

A few more tips to claim travel insurance

  • Keep photos of your valuables and documents in your email ID, Google Drive, or any cloud drive. So that you can easily get it when needed.
  • Always make 3 copies of your documents, give 1 to your family member or a friend, and keep 2 copies with you. Keep these 2 copies in separate places. So that if you lose one copy, you can have another copy as soon as possible.
  • Keep always the insurance policy, customer care/helpline number, and emergency number with you during the journey.
  • Always carry the serial numbers and model numbers of your valuables such as cameras, laptops, or mobile phones with you while traveling.
  • Always make a police complaint within 24 hours, if the luggage is lost or stolen while traveling.
  • If you buy something while traveling, always take its original bill. (Before shopping abroad, you should know what to buy and what not to buy on your trip. Because of security purpose, some items like a knife or any type of weapon is not good to buy while traveling.
  • It would be good if you follow your insurance company on social media like Facebook and Twitter. Because in case of an emergency, you can also contact your insurance company through this type of social media.


If your insurance company rejects your insurance claim, then you can ask why? and what’s the reason for rejection. It is not necessary that if the insurance company rejects your claim, then you cannot file your claim again. You can ask your insurance company for refilling the claim and refill it with more documents and proof.

The way to get your travel insurance claim is very easy. But, if you keep all the things in front of the insurance company with complete truth and also present true evidence in support of them. Apart from this, you should also fill out the insurance form very carefully. If any line is not understandable in the insurance claim form, then you should take the help of customer care.

You should always keep in mind that no internet medium can authenticate you to pass your insurance claim. For this, you always have to be alert.


Most people believe that making a travel insurance claim is a very complicated process. But you can make it easy if you have a proper guide to claim your travel insurance. And you should also take care of these things on his behalf, then the insurance company further processes his/her insurance claim. And I am 100% sure that this Guide to Claim Travel Insurance article will help you.

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